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October 23, 2014

Thursday Night Random

I would hate for this to become my life's motto - but I've been busy. 

Something about starting and integrating into a new job, and coming home and supporting your Husband while he studies for the biggest test of his career - it just really brings out the exhaustion in a girl.

But we are powering through. Every stress we have right now are positive stresses. Is there such a thing? I guess so - something about shouldering the weight of the present knowing it will pay out in the future. That has to be some sort of victory.

There are times it feels really hard - and draining. I still go to work and have days where I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. Which sort of stinks to be honest. But then I will have days - or hours of a day - where it all is starting to click and man, that feels great!

It's also been stressful because we're the night before EH's biggest test ever. He's had his own roller coaster of events with his career and though that has settled, the biggest exam of his career is happening tomorrow and it's overwhelming to know that it's here and holycrapthiseffectsthingsdowntheroad. 

But - we're packing his bag for tomorrow (all day test - he needs snacks!) and getting his materials together and my greatest hope in the entire world is I hope we both breathe a huge sigh of relief late tomorrow. No matter what the outcome is, though I have no doubt that it will turn out great. 

So that is where we are. Busy and stressed but on the very cusp of some wonderful things. 

October 20, 2014

Recent Happenings

Another Monday conquered y'all! 

I actually don't mind Mondays. Tuesdays are the real problem. I digress though - here's what we've been up to lately.

Last Friday was my 27th birthday. I guess that really puts me in the late 20's bracket. 26 was an interesting year for me. I had struggles with work, definitely felt more stress than previous years (still less than some though, I figure it all evens out), but I'm glad it all happened because life right now is pretty dang great.

After celebrating with friends on Friday night (of which I have some of the greatest!), EH and I headed out Saturday for the sole Razorback game here this season. Which is bittersweet in itself since we're down from 2, but we made the most of it.

Unfortunately we didn't win but we're definitely on our way back up! Not to mention it's always fun to tail gate. That in itself is a definite victory.

Other than that we don't have a whole lot going on. EH has a big test coming up on Friday so that's where all of our focus lies. After he makes it through that, we'll be headed to one of my BF's wedding where I have no doubt we will dance all that pre-test-stress away.

Hope you have a great rest of the week!

October 13, 2014

Recent Purchases

Hope everyone has had a happy Monday! It was a dreary, rainy Monday here but I don't mind the gloomy weather. It always makes me feel cozy.

In keeping with the cozy fall spirit, I've picked up a few items to help transition into cooler weather. 

I noticed a red vest on Old Navy's instagram on Saturday and after lunch with EH (at PotBelly's - new here and so good!) I raced over to snag one for myself.

I wanted the thinner option they had but they were out of my size. I do prefer the color of this one and the weight is perfect for our mild winters here. The collar is a smidge too thick but not overwhelming. I'm happy with it!

I also picked up this cardigan and sweater. At least..I think this is the sweater. It looks different in person - more like a piko. Maybe I'm just not finding it online. Mystery.

I had kind of given up on Old Navy for awhile - they had some great pieces but it felt like the quality had gone a little to the wayside. These items feel a lot sturdier. Only time will tell!

While searching for a dress for an upcoming wedding, I also scored this dress from Lulu's on sale! $25 and I think it will be adorable with my collection of booties I have acquired. 

Gahh, I can't wait for it to get here. I've never ordered from LuLu's before but the reviews were great and I couldn't pass up a $25 dress that is perfect for work and happy hour. I'll make sure to do a review once it comes in!

Here's to Tuesday!

PS - did anyone happen to watch The Walking Dead premiere last night? HOLY cow. So freaking good. Anyways. Bye!

October 5, 2014

Weekend Happenings

One of the plus sides to EH having to study pretty much all the time is that we (or I really, since he's studying) get a weekend with no big plans. I love having fun things to look forward to, but after what feels like a marathon of events, the no plans weekend feel pretty great.

So while it doesn't make for a very thrilling blog post, here's what we were up to this weekend.

On Friday night, EH and I went to one of our favorite spots, US Pizza, and sat on the patio for drinks and pizza. Before we left I sent a selfie to a friend to compare outfits and only later realized the #photopom in the background.

This photo cracks me up for a number of reasons. The Simba-like pose of Moose, the obvious desire to stay OUT of the picture by EH...pure gold right here.

Saturday was very laid back. We attended a gender reveal party for some friends of ours (BOY! Which I totally called. Too bad there isn't a game show for this - I would so win every time) and caught up on our DVR. I also realized I reached a trifecta for booties. Now if only the weather down here would match up with my desire for fall fashion.

I also tried a little pattern mixing with plaid and cheetah print. Which I sort of failed to capture in this selfie. But don't worry, I made up for that with the obvious collection of dirty glasses to the left, and a worry of are my eyebrows crooked towards the center? This is why I don't selfie.

Other than that, it was a very laid back weekend for us. I got all my grocery shopping done, decorated the front porch, we cleaned out EH's closet (which included shirts from HS, go figure!) and made a huge batch of gumbo.

Definitely a victory of a weekend.

October 1, 2014

Things to Look Forward to in October

October may just be my favorite month and this year is no different.

1 // October is my birthday month! 26 has been an eventful year but I think 27 is going to be even better.

2 // Though it hasn't felt like it lately (with it being almost 90 today and all), I'm pretty sure our forecast here is going to start calling for rainy, cooler Autumn days. I actually love rainy days - not just to wear cute rainboots! - so I'm looking forward to cozy nights at home with the sound of rain hitting our back patio tin roof.

3 // EH has spent the last several months studying for a big exam coming up. All of his hard work will hopefully pay off towards the end of this month and then the poor guy can have a life again! One not pouring over books all night, that is. 

4 // Wiiith the weather hopefully cooling down, it's perfect for fall clothes. I've already purged my closet and moved all the summer items to the guest room to accommodate the bulkier sweaters, boots and scarves. I went ahead and picked up these booties and these booties to get me started. 

5 // One of my best friends is getting married! It's so weird to think that we all met when we were freshman in college and now we're all grown up with jobs and husbands and some with babies. Time flies!

6 // I sort of cheated and already put some fall decor items out. EH was out of town and our house was really clean and it just felt right. I have big plans for a new wreath and a few other crafty items. 

Aside from all of that, there are baby showers and gender reveals, pumpking patches, Halloween costumes and parties to think about. I think it's going to be the best month so far!